Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Right of Passage

Experiences involving intensity, creativity, passion, growth... change you. You can blossom, like a Gladiolus, in the sun. And, of course, you can shrivel like an Autumn leaf as winter descends.

Since returning from the North (after I shot my short film) people have commented on how I have changed, especially in my confidence. Even though I have gained more weight than I care to acknowledge, I am happier than I was before we made the film. I am more secure in myself. I believe in my own talent now without any doubt in my abilities. One of the greatest things I heard since in Auburn, California, was my friend, Steve, saying that when he saw me directing, he knew that I couldn’t do anything else with my life. I belonged there. I was a natural. I had an eye. I was in my element.

When I left Los Angeles for that week, I was embarrassed whenever someone learned that I was a “director;” however, upon my return, I feel no shame in calling myself a “Director.” I believe it myself. I know I am supposed to do this. I am not lying to myself about my place in this World. I am not lying to anyone else.

I feel like I have gone out into the wild and slayed the dragon.

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