Today was my first day doing the Raw Food Lifestyle. So far, there have been a series of hits and misses in regards to food, but I do not feel unhappy about my choice in changing what I eat and drink.
I have spent a great deal of time looking up Living Raw online and have been pleasantly surprised by the number of positive thoughts that surround this way of life. Everyone seems to say, “Do it!”
A few years ago I did a three-week vegetable/juice/protein shake detox that made me feel fabulous and, after it was over, I began a very restricted way of eating that involved eating mainly nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, brown rice, and meat. I was walking six miles a day and had a wonderful schedule that involved waking up at 6 A.M. and journaling for a couple hours before I began my work. (I am a writer.) I was writing for about ten hours a day, with two days off a week, which I tried to keep open for strictly fun stuff.
Soon after this lifestyle began – and I call it a lifestyle, not a diet – I was then diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which restricted my diet enormously, and Candida. I went on a stricter diet that involved limiting my fruits, as well as my vegetables…
Well, that lifestyle lasted for quite some time, but I soon got derailed with personal problems and started eating badly this summer… But now I have decided to reclaim my old eating lifestyle, with some major changes to the old regiment. I am going to adopt a 100% Raw Lifestyle that will include eating seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies, and a number of other things, like superfoods. I adore sushi and I do realize that some 100% Raw people eat raw fish, but, with the oceans being as polluted as they are, I question the health benefits of one of my favorite foods.
It’s amazing how important it is to have a streamlined lifestyle in order to be a successful, happy, healthy individual. And I don’t want to use the word “restricted,” because then I am setting myself up for failure. I have so many things that I want to do with my life and I know making sure that I am healthy will help, aid, propel me forward in my work. Our bodies are our vessels, our machines, our temples, and if we don’t take care of it, we will not work the best possible way we can. If you don’t put the good gasoline in your car, it won’t work as well as if you had.
When I was shooting my film in October, I stopped doing Pilates 3 times a week and now I am going to go back to that schedule, as well as start running with Tara T, who is also going (back) on the Raw Food Lifestyle. We will support one another through our journey. We will do it at full speed and not half-assed.
I put the photograph on the top up in order to show me at the beginning of this lifestyle… Stay tuned to see how this decision affects me – physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically – and I will keep you posted on how this decision of mine is working out for me…